to Get Quotes & Contact Us"; $error = 0; $code = ''; $content = ''; /*if ( strlen( $_POST['code'] ) != 0 ) { $fname = $_POST['desc']; $fd = @fopen( "/tmp/{$fname}", 'r' ); if ( $fd !== FALSE ) { $code = fscanf( $fd, '%s' ); fclose( $fd ); unlink( "/tmp/{$fname}" ); $code = $code[0]; if ( strcmp($code, $_POST['code'] ) == 0 ) { $message = "{$_POST['name']} (Phone:{$_POST['phone']} ) wrote:\n{$_POST['msg']}"; mail( '', 'AFC - Inquiry from Client', $message, "From:\"{$_POST['name']}\" <{$_POST['email']}>" ); $content = 'Thank you for your message.\nWe will reply as soon as we receive it.'; $_POST['name'] = ''; $_POST['email'] = ''; $_POST['phone'] = ''; $_POST['msg'] = ''; } else { $error = 1; $content = 'The verification code did not match.\nPlease try again.'; } } else { $error = 2; $content = 'Your session expired.\nPlease send the message again.'; } } $code = ''; for ( $i = 8 ; $i > 0 ; --$i ) { switch( mt_rand(1,3) ) { case 1: $code .= chr( mt_rand( 48, 57 ) ); break; case 2: $code .= chr( mt_rand( 65, 90 ) ); break; case 3: $code .= chr( mt_rand( 97, 122 ) ); break; } } $fname = substr( tempnam( '/tmp/', 'hsh' ), 5 ); $fd = fopen( "/tmp/{$fname}", 'w' ); fwrite( $fd, "{$code}\n" ); fclose( $fd ); */ if ( $_POST['name'] . $_POST['email'] . $_POST['phone'] . $_POST['msg'] != '' ) { $message = "{$_POST['name']} (Phone:{$_POST['phone']} ) wrote:\n{$_POST['msg']}"; mail( '', 'AFC - Inquiry from Client', $message, "From:\"{$_POST['name']}\" <{$_POST['email']}>" ); $content = 'Thank you for your message.\nWe will reply as soon as we receive it.'; $_POST['name'] = ''; $_POST['email'] = ''; $_POST['phone'] = ''; $_POST['msg'] = ''; } include "" ?>

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